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    Gardens can at times get a little bit out of hand and maintenance is needed to ensure it looks good all year round. There are many different features that can make a garden really stand out, whether it’s a vibrant lawn, desirable furniture or even the latest gardening techniques. Landscapers are experts when it comes to getting the most out of an outdoor space; they can incorporate themes, open out spaces, and create different areas for different purposes. Seating areas can give people a place to relax, while lawns and flowered borders can be nice additions for enthusiastic gardeners. Transitions into houses, garages and other garden areas are also important, including pathways, patios, doors and steps are always important aspects.

    Filling your outside space with potted plants

    Posted on January 27, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    If you want to take up some gardening or want to add some life to your outside area, you may decide to do container gardening. This is essentially creating beautiful areas of the garden using potted plants rather than planting them in the ground. This type of gardening is perfect for those that have a small garden or are renting somewhere temporarily. It is also great for those that are not great at gardening and just starting out. It allows you to love plants around without having to disturb them which can be great if you need to change the layout of your outdoor space from time to time. Adding potted plants and hanging baskets really can transform an area and add a touch of beauty to any space. If... Read More »

    Can you do much with your garden in winter

    Posted on December 23, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    Gardens can look messy in the winter months as you are not able to get out as often to give it a once over. If you have children or dogs that go out on the grass, it may get very muddy quickly. Ideally, before the bad weather hits you need to go out and spend a few hours tidying it up. Put away any kids toys or equipment that can be put away and try and store your deck chairs and parasol out of the elements. You will not be able to mow the grass if it is wet so you need to keep on top of it during the autumn and into the winter. If we have a dry day, then make the most of it and go out... Read More »

    A Decking Project for your Home

    Posted on November 30, 2020 at 9:54 am

    Everyone who is keen on DIY and likes making home improvements will appreciate having a new project to work on. Installing decking can be a fun new project for the home and the garden, creating a wonderfully versatile seating area that can be used year round with clever shading and weatherproofing options included. Decking is not too difficult to install, even with minimal experience, so somebody who is a dab hand at DIY and wants to try out something new might very much enjoy a decking project. Decking is easy to get hold of as well, so this challenge is instantly removed when you decide to focus on decking as your next big home improvement project. There are highly reputable and well known suppliers online and it is usually advisable... Read More »

    Choosing fencing for your garden

    Posted on November 24, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Whether you are installing a new boundary fence to your property or replacing an old one that has become damaged by gale force winds the selection of fencing options out there is extensive. The first thing to decide is the material that you want your fencing to be constructed from. There are many types of wooden fencing available from the popular larch lap fencing to open picket fencing. Your choice will depend on your needs for instance if you own a dog then you will need secure fencing to stop the dog escaping. If you do not want to have tall fencing around your property there is always the option to have shorter fencing with open trellising on top in this way it does not feel as if you are... Read More »

    Buying a Pergola Kit

    Posted on November 22, 2020 at 11:22 am

    Garden installations can help to make the difference between a garden that is nice and a garden that is wonderful. They can help to create zones too, so that the garden is split into different areas and gives a greater sense of space and freedom. They might not be all that easy to install though, and so a pergola kit will make the process much easier. Pergola kits come with everything needed to build and install a pergola so that anybody can do it. You may still need to have power tools and other equipment, but all of the fixings will be included with the pergola kit and all of the wooden structures that will make up the pergola itself. The kit will also provide full instructions so if these... Read More »

    Getting the most out of your garden all year round

    Posted on October 31, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    For many of us our garden is a place where we can relax, sit in the sunshine, or shade, enjoy a barbeque with friends and generally chill out but are we getting the most out of our gardens all year round or do we not venture past the patio doors from October to April? Living in the UK we get used to the weather being unpredictable and so even in the summer months we can have a week or more of wet weather and so it is a good idea to have an area in the garden that is covered over and yet still open to the fresh air. This may be a summer house or a gazebo either a permanent feature or a removeable one. If this area has... Read More »

    Are Electric Door Operators Secure?

    Posted on October 30, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    Electric operators are used to open garage doors automatically, so they will no longer have to be opened manually. There is no doubt that this is going to be more convenient and efficient, and can save people considerable amounts of time when gaining entry to their garages. However, does it also make it easier for other people to gain entry to your garage, too? Are electric door operators secure enough for you to trust them in your home, and for you to consider installing them? Will the precious contents of your garage (which might even include an expensive car) really be safe? Electric garage door operators are very safe and secure, as long as you follow three key principles: you choose an operator that is from a quality brand, you... Read More »

    Gardening can be therapeutic

    Posted on September 14, 2020 at 8:06 am

    Gardening is often one of those things that you either love or hate. For some, gardening is just another chore that has to be done but for others it is more of a hobby and they look forward to it. Gardening is said to be therapeutic. It can be very calming and relaxing and because you can often see results quite quickly, it can be very rewarding. If you have never been big on gardening then you may want to give it a try. Start off with something small and that you can accomplish quickly. Simply weeding an area or mowing the lawn can have a huge instant impact and can allow you to see what can be accomplished in a short period of time. You will need to invest... Read More »

    How to get your garden winter ready

    Posted on August 22, 2020 at 2:11 pm

    After the great start we had to the summer, it seems that the warmer weather may be done and dusted for this year. Over the hotter weeks our gardens took a hammering with grass dying off and plants struggling to survive unless your were good at remembering to water them. With the recent rainfall, many gardens are now recovering and the grass is starting to look very green again. As we approach the winter months it is important to get your garden ready. You need to take ensure that when we get a good spell of dry weather you take advantage and cut the grass if needed. Cutting grass if it is wet can be a bit of a nightmare and often will result in your lawnmower getting clogged up... Read More »

    Popular Garage Door Options in Birmingham

    Posted on August 16, 2020 at 8:43 pm

    Garage doors are needed all over the UK, wherever people have garages that require access and security. Popular options for garage doors in Birmingham include up and over doors, sectional doors, roller doors, side hinged doors and round the corner doors. These are all options that people in Birmingham might want to explore for their properties, and the ultimate choice will come down to the location of their properties, their personal preferences and, of course, their budgets. Garage doors aren’t the cheapest of doors but they are a great investment, and if you want to know that this vital part of your home is safe and secure, then a new garage door could be in order. Here, you can learn about the different types of garage doors you might choose,... Read More »